Your content marketing needs to improve — constantly. It needs to do this so that your business continues to enjoy visibility and reach on the Web. So why is it that your content marketing is suddenly lagging behind?
Here are some of the possible reasons:
Not recognising your consumer consumption patterns.
When is the best time to publish on your blog, and Facebook and Twitter accounts? Instead of asking the best time to publish, you need to discover your consumer consumption patterns.
Most consumers like to get instant updates in the morning, and reserve long-form content for the evening. They might also like to get short video bursts and summary bullet points throughout the day.
Insisting on long-form or short form content.
Take it from journalists: your story dictates the length. It’s not the other way around. Yes, today’s generation has a shorter attention span so it might make sense to go with short-form content. But there are still consumers who prefer long-form—as long as the story is compelling and engaging. At the same time, you don’t want your consumers clicking away from a page because the lengthy post is long-winded.
Your videos don’t have captions and bold headlines.
Did you know that most people watch videos with the audio off? Some people turn off the sound when they are watching the video at the office (and they’re not supposed to) or they are in a noisy place.
Captivating headlines and captions would help move your video story along—even without the sound.