Measuring ROI for content marketing has long been a challenge for site owners. But by knowing the right metrics to observe and the technologies available, you can easily quantify the return on the investment you made in content marketing.
Lead metrics. How does your content support demand generation?
Sharing metrics. Which among your content pieces get shared, who is sharing them, how and how often are they sharing them?
Consumption metrics. How many people consume your content, which channels do they use, how frequent is their consumption?
Sales metrics. How does your content affect bottom-of-the-funnel results, how does it drive revenue and fill the pipeline?
Engagement metrics. Does your content motivate consumers to take action, and what kind?
Retention or Subscription metrics. How do you capture and hold consumer attention beyond the initial contact?
Cost metrics. How much does your overall content marketing initiative cost?
Production metrics. How effective is your team at publishing content?