There’s a myriad of SEO strategies you can gather online and of course there are techniques you can create through thorough research however, you need to be sure you look for and only use effective strategies and of course never neglect even a single element when optimizing your website.
Below are some of the common SEO mistakes that you should avoid.
1. Neglecting the Title Element
– The title element should be unique for each page, and not keyword stuffed. Use a tool that will provide you with an overview of the title elements of all your site’s pages
2. Not Recognizing Duplicate Content
– Having duplicate content is considered by search engines as being sloppy, and splits your link equity. To avoid these, review your landing pages. Make sure that no piece of content is found on multiple URLs.
3. Internal Linking Not Done Properly
– How you link across your site is just as important as making sure that your inbound links are not solely directed to your homepage. This gives search engines an idea on what pages you consider to be the most important.
Check the Internal Links and Crawl Errors sections in your GWT to find out what your most linked page is and to address any broken links.
4. Ignoring Open Graph Tagging
– Open Graph tags are used to give proper representation to your site on different social sites. To take advantage of this, use tools that will give you a quick view on how your page will look when shared socially.