With the new features of Twitter, users who opt for this platform as an additional brand-building tool need to understand and plan carefully to manage such features to their great advantage.
Here are five tips you should keep in mind to reach more audience and increase brand engagement using Twitter’s new features:
1. The Shorter The Better –
To get more interaction on Twitter, make your tweets shorter, that is, less than 100 characters. Data show that shorter tweets actually get higher engagement, 17 percent higher to be exact.
2. The More Content The Easier it is to Find –
Use relevant keywords so that your target audience can easily find you.While it is said that shorter tweets are better, keep in mind to include more content that allows your brand to be discoverable.
3. Better and Enhanced Customer Service –
New features will allow you to provide customers better experience . Now you can give more information about your brand without abbreviating or even redirecting to other pages.
Social customer care even becomes more visible to everyone.
4. Visual Content is still The Best –
Create amazing images that audience can readily share. Make sure they are perfectly optimized for Twitter, whether for mobile or for desktop.
5. Share your own story –
Be unique and original about your brand while keeping in mind the best practices to follow in using such social media platform.