Business nowadays would be considered incomplete without a social media presence. Social platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allow you to reach out to your audience, and gaining a loyal following as well as more likes helps boost brand authority. You can get more likes via organic visibility or paid media, and either one can work well if you know what to do. Here are four tips that can help you get more likes on any social media platform:
1. Use photos and other multimedia. Audiences often find images more compelling than text posts alone, so make sure to include photos and other media like videos to your posts. Media should be interesting and attractive to get users curious, and compelling enough to encourage them to click.
2. Use targeting options and hashtags to reach your desired audience. The internet is an enormous resource of information, so it’s easy for your content to get lost among the million other posts that are vying for people’s attention. As such, it would be better to zero in on your target audience first.
3. Create attention-grabbing headlines. Headlines are your first (and usually only) chance to reel in your audience. Make them intriguing enough to encourage more clicks. Of course, keep your copy in line with your headline. Misleading headlines can make you seem less trustworthy to your audiences.
4. Include a call to action. The easiest and best way to get more likes is to simply ask. Include call to action such as “like us today” or “like us if…” on your copy. There’s nothing wrong with simply asking! However, do make sure to follow rules regarding use of such copy for each platform.