Generating qualified leads through Twitter is an effective social media marketing technique that many business owners use. Twitter itself has instructions on how to generate leads, however, there is actually a more effective way of doing it. Learn about this unique yet very effective Twitter lead generation that experts share below.

Generating leads through twitter
– Conversion tracking set up. Although this tip is already buried in the user interface, it remains to be very effective in knowing the conversions.
– Choosing the best Twitter Ads campaign type. Learn to choose the right campaign type that works well for the kind of business you have. Read reviews and comments about these different types of Twitter Ads campaign.
– Twitter Ad targeting. Adjust your targeting options for both the basic and advanced level.
– Avoid using Twitter lead generation cards. these lead generation cards actually lose consistently even with its nice layout. Create your own Twitter lead gen ad instead.
– Set your bids. Use maximum bidding. Bid more or post higher engagement stuff. Avoid using Twitter’s automatic bidding.
– Check the results. This is your last step in ensuring you are doing good with your lead generation. Get detailed information about your Twitter investments.