Homepage is the most visited page in most websites. The other landing pages on your site may get more traffic but the home page has the most views. To ensure great user experiences, which in turn will lead to better rankings in search results, here are common mistakes you should avoid when designing your home page.
Providing visitors too many options
- Too many options create more confusion. The amount of time needed to make a decision also increases.
- Consider how much information the average human brain can process.
- Understand more about Hick’s Law.
Adding a carousel or a slider
- Sliders often change too quickly.
- Fast moving carousel frustrates users that read slower than others.
- These page elements can be annoying.
- Site visitors may think these are advertisements and just ignore them.
Missing call-to-action
- Add CTA for visitors to know what to do on your website.
- Make it the biggest button on the home page.
Missing mantra statement
- Optimize your value proposition.
- Avoid long sentences – limit it to about 8 words or less.
- Never use all caps.
- Do include your target keyword.
Forgetting redirects
- Set up a preferred redirect.
- Avoid duplicate pages.
Not optimizing the logo
- Optimize your logo for SEO.
- Change the file name with your target keyword.
- Add title, tag, and link.